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My experience with graphics card mining


2014 I started mining with GPUs. I literally searched online for "how to make money online" and I saw a thread on reddit about cryptocurrency mining. First I was skeptical but after reading through some white papers about the technology I quickly understod that this would become something that would change the world. Not just the currency part but the whole concept of blockchain, a platform built on trust that no one controlled or could manipulate. I started mining Litecoin on a pool called LTCRabbit. A day or two later I had generated my first litecoin and I was having a blast. A couple weeks later I decided to invest in my first real rig consisting of six AMD R9 280Xs. Mining has been my side job ever since that day.

Nowadays it's hard to find a profitable coin to mine with GPUs due to the recent price reduction of all crypto currencies and also the wide spread use of ASIC miners. However, coins have started to fork away from algorithms that are heavily saturated by ASIC machines meaning GPUs may see profit in mining them again. ASICs are non reprogrammable, meaning that when a coin forks away from the algorithm the ASIC was intended to mine it basically becomes a paper weight. Even though a coin forks away from an algorithm FPGAs can still mine them because of their ability to be reprogrammed to mine the new algorithm. See more in the FPGA-Mining section.

GPU-Mining nowadays


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